Upcoming Research

As a romantic, and Sagittarius, I’m torn between two ideals: am I the kind that lives in solid black and white colors when it comes to relationships or do I prefer the gray area where hook-ups thrive and relationships have a fifty percent chance of happening? I love the freedom that this generation granted itself: the freedom to choose multiple partners the same way a food critic explores his ethnic cuisines. As a romantic, I’m disappointed by this fact. Consequently, the freedom to choose multiple partners ensures lack of commitment and thus I’m a “hopeless” romantic. Then you have people in the gray area who make promising claims:

You’ll quite possibly find your true love after you hook up.

Or you have males and females, particularly in their early 20’s, who want purely physical relationships because they don’t have enough time to give for the “real deal.” In this day and age where people operate in fast motion, a truly comfortable relationship is synonymous with wasting precious time to gather one’s bearings and live independently.

Timing is an important factor. That’s why media services like Netflix infiltrate our forms of entertainment: we want it now and we want it cheap. 

It is important to note that I am fervently generalizing hook-up culture, yet I am not shaming anyone who prefers this route. For some, a relationship really is overwhelming and unnecessary. I approve of sex positivism, and do not judge women or men who contribute to the hook-up culture.

But as an old-fashioned “grandmother” compared to you hooligans, I have many questions. You would think that hook-up culture is the easiest thing in the world to understand if you have ever made out with someone and never contacted them again, but this culture is quite possibly pervasive in other ways:

-Could it be hook-up culture that contributes to rape culture? How do these terms intertwine? When does a hook-up become a dangerous activity? 

-Psychologically, how do women manage hook-ups? How do emotions stay lassoed away in the closet?

-How precise is the time between the beginning of a hook-up relationship and the beginning of an inevitable emotional attachment?

Stay with me on this roller-coaster as I compile research in order to establish a firm opinion on this raging cultural norm. It’s going to be chock-full of emotional rants and tirades against men, at least that’s my satirical hypothesis.

There are documentaries, reports, articles, and much more done to study this phenomenon? Is it even a phenomenon? Or did society at one point realize that Eve doesn’t have to stick to Adam just because he’s available?


The Square Root of Delicious *Review*

You won’t find a city girl milking cows in South Florida, or catching chickens somewhere in the rural country where she won’t refresh herself with a Starbucks Macchiatto. But every once in a while, she’s going to crave fried chicken and she’s going to want to alleviate her NYC summer heat stroke with lemonade. Quite possibly, if she’s comfortable, she’ll take a date along. It’s summer; it’s time for lickin’ chicken fingers and interlacing human fingers!

So for that solution, you can step into Root & Bone: a rural American, farm-fresh, devotee of good taste, chic experience located inside a comfortable kitchen-dining room that feels like home.

– A date WILL take you there if it’s someone worth dating. On The Bachelorette? Give that man a rose.

– The staff is pleasant. Honestly, they stepped out of a Midwestern Home Cooking magazine. You know what I’m talking about? Those fathers that have wide smiles while they’re petting golden retrievers? The mothers that happily show off their quiche recipes? Waiters there are all smiles and game.

– The ambiance is sweet and fresh, resembling the menu. They have mismatched plates, which makes it familiar and calm, very homely. You have flowers arranged around the room, and lightbulbs hanging off a wooden deck on the ceiling.

– The FOOD. Go to: http://www.rootnbone.com/#menu

Tell me you did not salivate.

–      The Macaroni and Cheese, which is offered as a side for Brunch, Dinner, and Supper. They’re giving you three opportunities in one day to try it. It is big elbow pasta that willingly drowned in cheese, crunchy cheese toast and fresh thyme crust that tops it off as if to demand a photo.

Take the photo.

–      The Avenue B Signature Sandwich. It’s crispy bacon having a menage a trois with fried chicken and delectable toppings such as the tomatoes, lettuce, pickles, and buttermilk ranch on a potato roll. It is generously held together by a sandwich stick or whatever those things are called that keep your dinner more stable than your sanity.


Get to the root and bone of your chicken at Root & Bone. If eyes are the windows to the soul, then Root & Bone is the window to a (wo)man’s heart.


Root & Bone
200 E 3rd St
(between Ave B and Ave A)
New York, NY 10009

Macaroni & Cheese alongside the greatest chicken you'll ever have in your life. No joke.
Macaroni & Cheese alongside the greatest chicken you’ll ever have in your life. No joke. PHOTO/ Shaun Cohen
Credit goes to UrbanDaddy/ Oleg March
PHOTO/ UrbanDaddy, Oleg March